Pair of Radflo Coilovers 10″x2.5″ Resi’s



We understand that coil-overs and the tuning that goes along with it can be intimidating at times, We’re here to help. Pick a coil-over shock that works for you and let 4Wheel Underground tune it and the springs to what you need and want. 


Sold Individually

SKU: 6CR 002 00 Category:


We understand that coil-overs and the tuning that goes along with it can be intimidating at times, We’re here to help. Pick a coil-over shock that works for you and let 4Wheel Underground tune it and the springs to what you need and want.

Upper Spring Rate
Lower Spring Rate 50 70 90 100 125 150 175 200 225 250 275 300 325 350 375 400
85 31 38 44 46 51 54 57 60 62 63 65 66 67 68 69 70
100 33 41 47 50 56 60 64 67 69 71 73 75 76 78 79 80
125 36 45 52 56 63 68 73 77 80 83 86 88 90 92 94 95
150 38 48 56 60 68 75 81 86 90 94 97 100 103 105 107 109
175 39 50 59 64 73 81 88 93 98 103 107 111 114 117 119 122
200 40 52 62 67 77 86 93 100 106 111 116 120 124 127 130 133
225 41 53 64 69 80 90 98 106 113 118 124 129 133 137 141 144
250 42 55 66 71 83 94 103 111 118 125 131 136 141 146 150 154
275 42 56 68 73 86 97 107 116 124 131 138 143 149 154 159 163
300 43 57 69 75 88 100 111 120 129 136 143 150 156 162 167 171
325 43 58 70 76 90 103 114 124 133 141 149 156 163 169 174 179
350 44 58 72 78 92 105 117 127 137 146 154 162 169 175 181 187
400 44 60 73 80 95 109 122 133 144 154 163 171 179 187 194 200

Additional information

Weight 32 lbs
Dimensions 48 × 12 × 12 in